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what is a computer

there are 4 types of computer

types of computers
there are four types of computers:supercomputers mainframe computer midrange computers
personal computers


supercomputers are the most powerfull computer. these machines are special, high-capacity computer used by very large organisation. supercomputers are typically used to process massive amounts of data. for example,there are used to analyze and predict worldwhile weather patterns.IBM'S blue gene and CDAC's PARAM are two of the fastest computers in the world.

2. mainframe computers

occupy specially wired air-conditioned rooms although not nearly as powerfull as supercomputers, mainframe computers are capable of great processings speed and data storage.for example,insurence companies use mainframes to process information about millions of policy holders

3. midrange computers

also referred to as servers,are computers with processings capability less powerfull than a mainframe computer as more powerfull than a personal computer. originally used by medium-size companies or department of large companies to support their processing needs,today midrange computer are most widely used to support or serve end users for such specific needs as retrieving data from a data base or supplying access to application software

4.personal computers

also know as PCs, are the least powerful, yet the most widely used and fastest-growing type of computer. there are five types of personal computers : desktop,laptops,tablets,smartphones and wearables. desktop computers are small enough to fit on top of or alongside of desk yet are too big to carry around. laptop computers are also know as notebook computers are portable and light weight and fit into most briefcases. tablets also know as tablets computers, are smaller,lighter,and generally less powerful than a laptops tablets have a flat screen but typically do not have a standard keyboard